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peru travel - Cusco peru travel - Runkuraqay peru travel - phuyupatamarka peru travel - Intipata peru travel - Dead Woman Pass peru travel - Chachabamba peru travel - Pakaymayu peru travel - Wiñayhuayna peru travel - Inti Punku peru travel - Ollaytantambo peru travel - Machu Picchu


4 days / 3 nights

Group size

2 / 16

Activity level

Moderate / Challenging


A unique and exciting experience, combining cultural and spiritual aspects, aims to establish a genuine connection with one of the most renowned destinations in the world. It is about traveling the Royal Inca Trail towards the emblematic Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, a vast area that covers 32,952 hectares and is home to an extensive network of Inca trails, numerous archaeological sites, various ecological zones, a rich variety of bird species and orchids, in addition to the imposing Machu Picchu Sanctuary .

Discover the magic of this unique place in the world, where nature and history intertwine in a fascinating way. From the imposing peaks of the Andes to the mysterious vestiges of an ancient civilization, each step on this journey immerses you in a universe of wonders and unforgettable emotions. Prepare to witness the greatness of Machu Picchu, an enduring legacy of human ingenuity and an eternal tribute to spirituality and resilience. Embark on this unique adventure and let the beauty of the Andes take your breath away!

Day 1: Cusco| Piscacucho Km 82 – Wayllabamba.

Pick-up from hotels begins at 05:00 a.m. approx. We will arrive in Ollantaytambo around 06:30 am with a time of 40 minutes to have breakfast and buy souvenirs. Next we will go towards Piscacucho or kilometer 82, where the Classic Inca Trail begins, then we will begin the journey of our trail. (Breakfast is not included). Around 09:30 am we will arrive at kilometer 82, which is the first checkpoint of the Inca Trail, ready to show your entry tickets, passports and (if you pay a student fee) your student card. At the beginning of the trail (2720 m / 8923 feet) we will cross the Vilcanota River and follow its route to the right. The first day is relatively easy, a warm-up along the flat Inca terrain. There are excellent views of the Inca Fortress 'Huillca Raccay', the vast and incredible Inca site of Llactapata, (officially called 'Patallacta'), and the beautiful snow-capped peak of 'Wakay Willca' (5860 m / 19225 ft) known as Veronica. Our first camp is in Huayllabamba (3000 m /9842 ft) a temperate green valley with the same name. Night temperatures are around 5ºC depending on the month.

Day 2: Wayllabamba - Warmiwañusca - Pacaymayo

After waking up around 5:30 a.m. and enjoy a hot breakfast, we will begin a steep ascent towards the highest pass, Abra de Warmiwañusca or 'Dead Woman's Pass' at 4215 m / 13829 ft. On this day, you will feel a true sense of achievement as you reach the top! After a well-deserved rest, we will begin the descent to Pacaymayo where we will stop for lunch (3600m / 11811 ft).

Day 3: Pacaymayo - Phuyupatamarca - Wiñayhuayna

This is the most impressive day; Keep this in mind when ascending on day three! We will get up for breakfast at 6:00 am and begin the day with a gentle climb to visit the archaeological site of Runkurakay (meaning "Ovoid Site"). Here we arrive at the third highest point of the Inca trail (3750m /12303). Next we will pass through Sayacmarca (which means “Dominant Town”). This citadel and religious site is located 20 kilometers on foot from the starting point of the route. The views of the mountains, canyons and surrounding area are spectacular! The Inca site of "Phuyupatamarca" (meaning "city in the clouds"), is located a few minutes walk from the third pass. After visiting this site, we continued down 3000 stairs through the cloud forest to the impressive Inca agricultural site from Intipata. After taking some time to visit this site, we will continue until we reach our third camp, Wiñayhuayna (2680 m. / 8792 ft.). Today, we will only walk for about 7 to 8 hours. lunch! Nighttime temperatures are approximately 12º C. A few steps from our camp is the famous Inca site of "Wiñayhuayna" ("Forever Young"). that you cannot miss, since it is the most impressive site on the Inca trail.

Day 4: Wiñayhuayna - Machu Picchu – Ollantaytambo - Cusco

Around 4:00 am it is time to get up, you will be given a boxed breakfast to begin day 4 on the Inca trail to arrive on time to Machu Picchu. This is the final part of your trip, arriving at 6:30 a.m. to reach Intipunku or the Sun Gate. At that point, the majestic Citadel of Machu Picchu lies in front of us with its intense beauty, an incredible sight for everyone. The reality of what the Inca people must have encountered on their grueling journey to this expansive temple of Machu Picchu. At this point, we walk downhill towards the citadel of Machu Picchu. (2430m / 7972 ft.) After walking 40 minutes, we entered the citadel from the top through the "Guardian House" to reach the upper platform. From there we proceed to the checkpoint where we register and drop off our belongings. Your professional guide will guide you through the amazing ruins and its main streets. You can stroll through the city squares and climb the intricately carved stairs made of stone. Machu Picchu is considered the spiritual center of the world by esoteric wisdom. Once the guided tour ends at approximately 12:00 pm. We will have free time for lunch, then our return train leaves at 2:30 pm arriving in Cusco at 6:30 pm. You will also have time to enjoy some of the following activities on your own if you wish (not included in the price):

Does not include
Elements Cost USD
OBSERVATIONS (You can coordinate directly with us)
Pair of walking sticks $15.00 -
Sleeping bag $25.00 3 kg.
Lunch at Sanctuary Lodge $45.00 -
Cheap lunch in Aguas Calientes $15.00 -
Carrier 6 kg $80.00 During the walk the passenger must carry their sleeping bag, for which we detail extra costs.
Carrier 14 kg $140.00 During the walk the passenger must carry their sleeping bag, for which we detail extra costs.
Entry to Huayna Picchu $60.00 Subject to availability. Schedule:
07:00 am / 08:00 am / 09:00 am (private service) 10:00 am (group service)
Entry to Machu Picchu Mountain - Subject to availability. Schedule:
7:00 am / 8:00 am (private service).
Vistadome Train $50.00 Additional and subject to availability.
Vistadome Observatory Train $75.00 Additional and subject to availability.
Simple tent $50.00 On request


$ 659.00 USD (CLASSIC)

Elementos indispensables
No FAQ at the moment

Dear passengers, we inform you that reservations for Machu Picchu can be made at least 2 days in advance. We recommend planning your visit in advance to ensure your entry and enjoy this historical wonder without any setbacks. For any additional assistance, our Peru Travel team is at your disposal. Thank you for your understanding and preference!

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ISO Certification - iso 9001:2015 - Img
Peru Travel - ISO Certification - ISO 14001:2015 - Img
Peru travel - Travelers Choice Best of the Best 2024 - Img
Peru Travel - Travelers Choice Best of the Best 2023 - Img
Peru Travel - Registered Travel And Tourism Agency - Img

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Inca Trail to Machu Picchu