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peru travel - cusco peru travel - Minas Victoria - Yamana peru travel - choquequirao peru travel - Mountain Range - Totora peru travel - Cloud Forest – La Playa –Lucmabamba peru travel - Llactapata – Hydroelectric – Aguas Calientes peru travel - Machu Picchu


9 days / 8 nights

Group size

2 / 16

Activity level

Moderate / Challenging


The Inca trail to Choquequirao and Machu Picchu in Peru is part of an extensive Inca trail system that spans more than 23,000 kilometers, integrating the Tahuantinsuyo Empire, known as "The Inca Country" (meaning four regions), which extended over several South American countries, such as Colombia, western Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, central Chile, and northern Argentina. These trails were generally located on the coast or in the mountains, although sometimes they reached the tropical edge of the Amazon rainforest. The Qhapaq Ñan (Inca Trail in Quechua, the Inca language) constitutes the network of trails that was, without a doubt, one of the wonders of Tahuantinsuyo. According to the Peruvian historian, José Antonio del Busto, the Inca Huayna Capac, known as the "King", expanded this network of trails to quickly mobilize his army. The trails varied in quality and size; While on the coast they could be between 6 and 8 meters wide, in the mountains the pavement was only a meter wide, but the trail was boldly steep, ascending the difficult Andean mountains.

Choquequirao is hailed as "The last refuge of the Inca Empire." Here, visitors have the opportunity to explore an intricate hydraulic system, presumably used for domestic, ceremonial and agricultural purposes. The geographical location of Choquequirao, in relation to other contemporary religious centers, suggests that it played a crucial role as an Inca enclave towards the valleys of the Apurimac River. The similarities between Choquequirao and Machu Picchu are notable, highlighting the fascination with its architecture and the cultural wealth that both wonders of the ancient world share.

Day 1 | Cusco - Cachora – Chiquisca.

We will leave the hotel very early to arrive at the town of Capuliyuc (2,850 m / 9,350 f) to see to our staff and guides, as well as the horses that will carry the equipment, tents and food for our hike. We will continue our trip to the Capuliyoc Pass (2,800 m / 9,186 f). During the tour, beautiful landscapes will capture our sight and accompany us during the walk, and we will not lose sight of the deep canyon and the Apurimac River. We will descend to the bottom of the canyon called Chiquisca (1,930 m / 6,332 f), where we will spend the night in our camp.

DAY 2 | Chiquisca - Rosalina Beach - Marampata – Choquequirao.

After breakfast, we will descend to La Playa Rosalina (1,550 m / 5,085 f). From there, we will go to Marampata (2,850 m / 9,350 f), from where we will have a beautiful view of the archaeological complex of Choquequiraw (3,033 m / 9,951 f). Our camp is located 25 minutes from this place.

DAY 3 | Choquequirao Full Day

This day is essential because we are going to visit the entire archaeological complex of Choquequirao (3100 masl / 10170 feet) and explore some places that are covered by the lush vegetation of the cloud forest. We will visit the religious sector, the administrative sector, granaries, terraces with llamas and other buildings located near the religious center. You will be able to explore incredible areas of the site, such as the llama area for example, which is a steep 30-minute walk downhill, where you will see extensive agricultural terraces. All the flame representations were built with white stones, on the wall. It was probably built by the Incas to represent the flame constellation in the Milky Way. You can also visit the Usno area where you can enjoy the sunset over the mountains. Our guide will be responsible for providing all the respective information about the place, its history and the importance it had in the past. After this, you will have free time to explore the resort on your own, come evening. You will then walk back to your camp for the second night in Choquequirao.

Day 4 | Choquequirao – Río Blanco.

This day, we will appreciate the tranquility of this magical place, between the fortifications, streets, buildings, terraces and squares. We will continue our walk climbing towards the Choquequiraw pass (3,270 m / 10,728 f), walking through an archaeological zone called Pinchaunuyoc (2,450 m / 8,038 f). From this point, we will go down to the river bed, known as Río Blanco (1,900 m / 6,234 f) or Río Silvestre. We will camp there.

DAY 5 | Río Blanco - Maizal - Paso de San Juan - Yanama.

That day will be difficult due to the complexity of the terrain. We will relax in the Maizal (3,000 m / 9,843 f) to rest a little and catch our breath without stopping to appreciate the view of a beautiful landscape. After a trip of several hours, we will arrive at San Juan (4,170 m / 13,681 f), a pass in the middle of the Andes, from which we can appreciate the great view of the valleys, mountains and glaciers. , some of which reach more than 5,000 m / 16,404 f. We will camp in the town of Yanama (3,530 m / 11,581 f). Climate: Warm and Cold with mosquitoes

DAY 6 | Yanama - Totora Pampa.

Early in the morning, we will head towards the highest pass of this trip: Yanama (4670m / 15.32152 feet). If we are lucky, we will be able to see condors. During the hike, we enjoy the view of snow-capped mountains such as Salkantay (6264m/20.551181 ft) and Pintuyu (5450m/17.880577 ft). Today our camp will be in the Totora Pampa valley (3200 m / 10.4986877 feet).

Note: According to the wishes of the group, it is possible to change the itinerary and visit the hot springs of Santa Teresa (1,830m / 6,004f)
DAY 7 | Pampa reed - The Beach.

In Totora pampa, we will have the opportunity to know to the Andean peoples who speak Quechua and live from agriculture and livestock. The vegetation along the way becomes increasingly thinner and reveals the diversity of orchids, bromeliads and other native species. We will also see some coffee, papaya, passion fruit and avocado plantations. This day, we will camp at La Playa (2,100 m / 6,890 ft) or at Lucmabamba (2,020 m / 6,627 ft).

Day 8 | The Beach - Llactapata - Hydroelectric - Aguas Calientes.

Our trip will begin early in the morning. We will follow the Inca trail to Llactapata (2,650 m / 8,694 feet), an archaeological site with remains of Inca buildings from which we can have a view of the Machu Picchu mountain. Our trip continues towards Hydroelectrica (1,950 m / 6,398 f), from where we will take the train to the town of Aguas Calientes (2,050 m / 6,726 f). Accommodation in a local hotel.

Day 9 | Aguas Calientes - Machu Picchu – Cusco.

That day, we will leave early after breakfast (5:30 a.m.) and go up to Machu Picchu (2,400 m / 7,874 f) by bus. After a guided tour of the important places in the fortress, we will have time to walk around the site. Then we will go down to Aguas Calientes for lunch (not included), and we will have time to visit the town's thermal baths. At a convenient time, we will take the train back to Cusco. Transfer to your hotel.

Note: It is not common for camps, cabins or hotels to change after confirmation. However, it may vary according to government regulations and authorizations, also due to adverse weather conditions and perhaps due to the physical condition of our visitors: any change in this matter ITEP will inform you in advance and as soon as possible.
STUDENT DISCOUNT: Subject to changes and restrictions.


$ 1049.00 USD (CLASSIC)

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Peru Travel - Travelers Choice Best of the Best 2023 - Img
Peru Travel - Registered Travel And Tourism Agency - Img

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Inca Trail to Machu Picchu