imagen de portada de cachicata trek 3 dias y 2 noches


peru travel - Huarocondo – Socma - Rayan peru travel - cachicata Ollantaytambo – Aguas Caliente peru travel - Ollantaytambo peru travel - Rayan – Cachicata peru travel - Machu Picchu


4 days / 3 nights

Group size

2 / 16

Activity level

Moderate / Challenging


Trekking to the Inca Quarry takes adventurers past spectacular, remote waterfalls as well as traditional Andean communities. During this experience, travelers will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the daily life of these Andean towns, while enjoying the diversity of landscapes ranging from the sacred valley to the imposing Andean mountains. In addition, they will have the opportunity to explore the iconic Machu Picchu, one of the wonders of the ancient world.

Life Adventures (Perú Travel) offers a unique experience that fuses adventure with nature at its finest. With the aim of escaping from conventional tourist circuits, the company proposes to move away from superficial activities and immerse yourself in an authentic cultural environment.

To ensure optimal adaptation to the altitude, Life Adventures (Peru Travel) suggests all travelers arrive in Cusco one or two days before the start of the adventure. This will allow you to acclimatize and feel comfortable while exploring this fascinating historic city.

Day 1 | By car - Cusco - Socma- Rayan: 14 km “Acclimatization day / Moderate.

Early in the morning we leave Cusco, we head to the Andean village of Huarocondo, where we will visit a colonial church, we immediately ascend to the community of Socma. Just before reaching Socma, we will stop to take photos of some petroglyphs. Today's hike takes us through the valley behind Socma as we head to a small Inca site and a beautiful waterfall that sits at the top of the valley. Walking through fields cultivated with potatoes, corn and quinoa we will have the opportunity to see a variety of birds and native plants and learn about the customs of the Andean peoples. Your guide will teach you a little Quechua (the language of the Incas) so you can communicate with the people you will meet on the walk. After this relaxing morning walk, we will finally arrive at our destination, the Inca site of Perolniyoc. After a guided tour of the site, we will continue a short distance to our camp at Rayan (3650m / 11975 ft) where we will stop for the day. In the afternoon we will visit one of the local families and you will be able to practice the Qhechua that you learned in the morning with your guide.

DAY 2 | Rayan - Cachicata: 16 km "Moderate day."

Today is the longest day of the walk. Starting from our camp, we will continue through the valley until we reach the first step of the hike. This area is cultivated by local residents despite the altitude and we will see local people taking care of their crops. One of the few plants that seem to thrive at this altitude is a type of mint (muña) and the aroma infuses the air throughout the morning. In total, it is approximately 4 hours walking to the pass (4440 m / 14567 ft) where we will stop for about 20 minutes to enjoy the panorama and catch our breath before continuing and then stopping for lunch. After lunch, the walk becomes easier; After having reached the top of the mountain, the terrain levels out, we will walk across the high plateau through a strange landscape that appears to be burial mounds, but is actually a glacial moraine (piles of rocks deposited by glaciers during The ice age). Our objective for today is the Inca quarry of Cachicata. Heading down we will reach Cachicata (3820 m / 12532 feet), as the afternoon falls, we will pass by an Inca ruin that people know as the Puerta del Sol.

DAY 3 | Cachicata - Ollantaytambo - Aguas Calientes: 9 km “Moderate day.”

Today will be dedicated to exploring Cachicata. Hardly anyone really comes here. Cachicata is an extensive site, it was the quarry used by the Incas for the construction of Ollantaytambo and there are several points of interest, including several large buildings, half-finished and abandoned quarries throughout the site, chullpas (funerary houses) and a cave with Inca mummies still in place. After a guided tour of the site, we will continue our way up the mountain following the original platform used to transport the stones to Ollantaytambo and arrive at the town in the early afternoon. From Ollantaytambo we will take the train to the town of Machu Picchu called Aguas Calientes. There we will settle in our hotel (not included) and enjoy a pleasant dinner.

DAY 4 | Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu: 4 km (2.49 miles) "Easy day."

After a very early breakfast at the hotel, we headed to the bus station to go up to the Sanctuary of Machu Picchu (30 minutes). Our guide will do a 2-hour introductory guided tour of the ruins, after that we have the option to climb the steep Huayna Picchu staircase, a challenging vertical hike that lasts approximately 2 hours and offers excellent views of Machu Picchu. You will also have time to enjoy some of the following activities on your own if you wish (not included in the price). Climb Huayna Picchu or Machu Picchu mountain and appreciate the beauty and magnificence of Machu Picchu from there. Other optional activities in Aguas Calientes include a visit to the new local museum or bathing in the hot springs.

The hike to the mountains of Huayna Picchu or Machu Picchu depends on availability; Please let us know if you would like to take one of these additional hikes at the time of your reservation.

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$ 590.00 USD (CLASSIC)

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Inca Trail to Machu Picchu