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5 days / 4 nights

Group size

2 / 16

Activity level

Moderate / Challenging


The hike to the Choquequirao resort is very fascinating and one of the most popular trips in the Cusco area. It is surprising as it is surrounded by fantastic natural landscapes with valleys, snow-capped mountains and an incredible variety of plants, birds and animals. It is located in the Salkantay mountain range, more than 3030 meters above sea level, surrounded by the Apus (mountain gods) of Yamana, Ampay, Chokecarpu, Pumasillo and Panta, on the left bank of the Apurímac river. During the time of the Incas, everything was connected and in communication with Machu Picchu through a complex network of trails. Choquequirao is considered "The last refuge of the Inca Empire." Visitors will have the opportunity to discover a complex hydraulic system, most likely for domestic, ceremonial and agricultural use. The geographical location of Choquequirao in reference to other religious centers of the same period tends to indicate that its function was that Inca enclave towards the valleys of the Apurímac river. There are many similarities between Choquequirao and Machu Picchu. The purpose of the Road to Choquequirao was religious and ceremonial, a pilgrimage that included rituals to honor the mountains and peaks along the route, such as the sacred mountain of Salkantay.

Day 1 | By Bus Cusco – Cachora – Chiquisca – Santa Rosa Baja.

We will pick you up from your hotel in tourist transportation from Cusco to the town of “San Pedro de Cachora” (2800 meters above sea level), a beautiful Andean town. Then we head towards Kapuliyoq where we will begin the approximately 3-hour walk down to Chiquisca where we will have lunch. Along the way we will be able to enjoy a great diversity of landscapes that belong to different climates, such as the snowy Padriyoc, a diversity of Andean flora and fauna that beautifies our trip. We will be able to see the deepest canyon in the world, the Apurímac canyon where the Apurímac River flows and it is also possible to see the first views of Choquequirao. We will continue descending to Chiquisca, where we will have a brief rest. Then we will continue descending for approximately 1 hour. towards the La Playa Rosalina Sector where our lunch and camp will be. Rosalina Beach is located approximately 1,450 m / 4,757 feet. Near the Apurímac River “God who speaks”. Then we will walk 2 more hours uphill towards Santa Rosa Baja where the camp is.

DAY 2 | Santa Rosa – Marampata-Choquequirao.

After an organic breakfast, begin the 2-hour climb to the small town of Marampata (rest point) and then continue the climb for 3 hours to the lunch spot of Marampata. 2918m/9530 feet And we will have the afternoon free to recover energy for the next day, which will be incredible. During the walk you will be able to enjoy the splendid Apurimac canyon, the Choquequiraw mountain and beautiful rugged mountains and an incredible sunset.

DAY 3 | Choquequirao “Full day"

After breakfast, we will visit the magnificent archaeological site of Choquequirao throughout the day. Enjoy the private guided tour and explore all the beautiful sections of the city: temples, terraces, palaces, llama neighborhoods and much more. We will return to the same camp to have tea and spend the night. Choquequirao means "Cradle of Gold" in Quechua, the language of the Incas, although this is probably not its original name. It is another "Lost City of the Incas" officially rediscovered at the end of the 20th century. It sits atop a ridge spur nearly 1,750 meters/5,741 feet above the raging, glacier-fed Apurímac River and is surrounded by the high snow-capped peaks of Salkantay and Humantay. Excavations and restoration of the 1,810 hectare site began in the 1990s, and it is estimated that only 30% of the site has been restored to date. Every day archaeologists are discovering new things.

Day 4 | Marampata – Chiquiska.

This morning we will begin our walk back to Santa Rosa, the path will be down the same path we took days ago and we will arrive there, where we will have lunch. Then we will continue descending for another 2 hours until we reach Rosalina beach at 1450 m / 4756 feet, where we will have time to take a refreshing dip in the waters of the Apurímac River. We camped and had dinner here; In addition, we spent the night near the river.

DAY 5 | Chiquiska – Capuliyoc – transfer by car to Cusco.

Today we will leave the camp very early in the morning after breakfast, we will walk 4 hours uphill to Capuliyoc 2,900m / 9,512 feet where the bus from Capuliyoc will pick you up to the city of Cusco.

About Choquequirao's campsites: Campsites may change (be different from this itinerary) depending on booking time and availability, weather conditions or restrictions adopted for safety reasons by the Peruvian government.

Note: It is not common for camps, cabins or hotels to change after confirmation. However, it may vary according to government regulations and authorizations, also due to adverse weather conditions and perhaps due to the physical condition of our visitors: any change in this matter Inka Trail Expeditions Peru will inform you in advance and as soon as possible.
Elementos Cost USD
OBSERVATIONS (You can coordinate directly with us)
2 Trek Poles (PAIR) $15.00 Includes rubber tips.
Saddle horse $35.00 Upload only.
Sleeping bag $25.00 -


$ 539.00 USD (CLASSIC)

Essential elements
No FAQ at the moment

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Inca Trail to Machu Picchu